“The Eternaut” is an upcoming Argentine television series based on the classic Argentine sci-fi graphic novel El Eternauta, created by Héctor Germán Oesterheld and illustrated by Francisco Solano López. The original story is a seminal work in Latin American comic history, blending social and political themes with a gripping science fiction narrative. The adaptation, produced by Netflix, aims to bring this legendary story to a global audience with a modern twist while retaining its original essence.
The plot of “The Eternaut” revolves around an apocalyptic scenario set in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The story begins with a mysterious snowfall covering the city, bringing death to anyone who comes into contact with it. A group of survivors, led by Juan Salvo, realizes that the snow is not a natural phenomenon but the result of an al“cascarudos” and“Manos”, who
The series explores themes of survival, resistance, and the human spirit’s resilience in the face of existential threats. It is also a metaphor for political and social oppression, reflecting the fears and turmoil experienced in Argentina during the mid-20th century, a period marked by dictatorship and censorship. The TV adaptation is expected to preserve the story’s socio-political commentary while updating the setting and technology to appeal to contemporary audiences.
The series was primarily filmed in Buenos Aires, Argentina, utilizing iconic city landmarks to create a familiar yet apocalyptic setting for local and international audiences. The production also made extensive use of digital effects to recreate the eerie, snow-covered cityscapes described in the original comic. Filming included key locations such as:
The production team aimed to stay true to the story’s Argentine roots, showcasing the local culture and geography while integrating high-quality visual effects to depict the alien invasion and its impact on the environment.
The series is directed by Bruno Stagnaro, known for his work on critically acclaimed Argentine films and TV shows like Okupas and Pizza, Birra, Faso. Stagnaro’s style often focuses on gritty realism and social commentary, making him a fitting choice for adapting El Eternauta. His approach to directing “The Eternaut” combines the intimate, character-driven storytelling he is known for with the large-scale visual spectacle required for a sci-fi epic. Stagnaro has expressed a deep commitment to preserving the original story’s spirit while updating it for modern viewers, ensuring it resonates with both local and global audiences.
“The Eternaut” is expected to maintain a dark, suspenseful tone, blending elements of science fiction, horror, and political allegory. The series will feature intense action sequences, eerie atmospheres, and moments of psychological tension. It is a story about survival against overwhelming odds, with an emphasis on the human cost of resistance and the fight against oppression. The visual style will likely include a mix of practical effects and CGI, aiming to create a believable yet unsettling world.
The series is slated for a 2025 release on Netflix, marking a significant milestone for Argentine television. As an adaptation of one of Argentina’s most beloved and culturally significant stories, expectations are high. Fans of the original graphic novel are eager to see how the complex narrative and socio-political themes are translated to the screen, while new audiences are expected to be drawn in by the unique premise and high production value.
With a strong cast, a visionary director, and a story that has stood the test of time, “The Eternaut” is poised to be a groundbreaking series that brings a piece of Argentine literary history to a new generation of viewers worldwide.